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ScreenSkills seeks industry feedback to improve the National Occupational Standards for screen roles

Date Posted: December 12, 2019

ScreenSkills is asking for industry feedback on its update of the National Occupational Standards that inform the development of qualifications and apprenticeships in the screen industries.

During October and early November, we consulted with professionals across the nations about the competencies, skills and knowledge that are needed to work in the screen industries in camera- and lighting-related job roles.

Draft updates have been produced for both the Camera Standards – which list the practical skills and knowledge people need in order to work in camera related roles in the screen industries – and the Lighting for Film and TV Standards – which list the practical skills and knowledge people need in order to work as lighting technicians, gaffers or other roles such as generator operators.

ScreenSkills is now asking industry professionals to contribute their views to finalising these draft standards by giving feedback on the sections relevant to them by Wednesday 15th January. The aim is to ensure that the updated suite of standards capture what is currently considered best practice in the industry.

Please view the standards and provide feedback below:

Once all feedback is collated and standards are updated and published, they are used to inform the development of qualifications, continuing professional development (CPD) training and apprenticeships in these particular areas of the screen industries across all home nations in the UK.

These standards can also form the basis of job descriptions, recruitment processes, appraisal processes, professional development plans and training plans for individuals, employers and training companies.

Please contact [email protected] if you require any further information.

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