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Free Webinar Bad Habits – Red Flags For Screenwriters

Date Posted: October 5, 2021

Webinar Bad Habits – Red Flags For Screenwriters with Steve Brooks

Wednesday 27th October from 12:30pm- 2pm (on Zoom)

A webinar on the subject of bad habits and basic mistakes all aspiring screen-writers should try to avoid and why.

Readers of one kind or another are the people who stand between a writer and moving his/her/their script on to the next stage. In the first instance, that could mean getting it into financed development, getting a producer, or here in Northern Ireland for example, getting it selected by Northern Ireland Screen for its new writer focus programme. Further down the line, you’ll want your script to be read by potential directors and later by actors with casting in mind. Everything depends on readers.

Bottom line in an ideal world, you will want your script to make a friend of the reader, whoever they may be. Make an enemy of the reader and your script will be stuck at whatever stage it was at when you finished it. And leave you feeling frustrated after all those weeks and months of work, wondering what to do next, with only the faint hope that you may perhaps be a misunderstood genius to comfort you.

In this session, Steve Brookes will talk about the mistakes that annoy, irritate and alienate the people whose job it is to read your script. He will also offer some tips on how to avoid them and write more reader-friendly documents. After the presentation there will be a Q and A ‘clinic’ and space for writers to bring their problems for discussion.

To secure your place on this free webinar email [email protected] by Wednesday 20th October.

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