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Boosting Our Economy - Celebrating Our Culture - Enhancing Our Children's Education

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Graduation marks new wave of talent for the Irish language TV production sector

Date Posted: September 26, 2018

Northern Ireland Screen hosted a reception in The MAC on Wednesday 26th September to mark the graduation of thirteen trainees who took part in various Irish Language Broadcast Fund (ILBF) training schemes and to welcome five new trainees onto the New Entrant scheme this year. ILBF Investment Committee Acting Chairwoman, Róise Ní Bhaoill, presented the trainees with certificates in recognition of their achievements.

The Irish Language Broadcast Fund offers several different training opportunities for Irish speakers working or aspiring to work in the independent production sector. A key principle of the training schemes is that they should lead to an advancement of skills, expertise and general career development, which impacts positively on not only the Irish language production industry but the wider sector in Northern Ireland.

This year, thirteen trainees graduated across five year-long courses: six on the New Entrants 2017-18 scheme; one on the Trainee Editor scheme; one on the Trainee Producer scheme; one on the Senior Producer scheme and four on the Trainee Assistant Producer scheme.  Additionally, five candidates for this year’s New Entrants 2018-19 scheme were recognised for having completed the Introduction to Production course at BBC.

Several clips from programmes produced by the trainees were screened as part of the ceremony to an audience which included representatives from various television production companies, BBC Northern Ireland, NvTv, Raidió Fáilte and Northern Ireland Screen.

Róise Ní Bhaoill said: “Congratulations to all the trainees who have completed their ILBF training schemes this year. I am thrilled to represent the ILBF Investment Committee and celebrate the achievements of all those here today.

“The training schemes funded through the ILBF continue to provide fantastic opportunities for participants to gain the necessary skills required to secure employment within the local Irish speaking production sector.”

Áine Walsh, Head of the Irish Language Broadcast Fund, said: “The ILBF is delighted that the majority of the trainees who participated on the various training schemes have already secured employment or are continuing training within the production sector and I am looking forward to seeing their work on Irish language productions in the future.  I am also delighted to welcome our new trainees on board.  These trainees will help to foster the growing Irish language production sector in Northern Ireland – one of the key aims of the ILBF.”

The ILBF’s annual New Entrant training scheme is now in full swing with five new trainees since the beginning of September. The scheme began with a two-week intensive training course in the BBC in Belfast and the trainees have now begun their placements with production companies and NvTv.


Reáchtáil Scáileáin Thuaisceart Éireann ócáid sa MAC ar an Chéadaoin 26 Meán Fómhair le ceiliúradh a dhéanamh ar thrí oiliúnaí dhéag a ghlac páirt i scéimeanna oiliúna bliana de chuid an Chiste Craoltóireachta Gaeilge (CCG).  Cuireadh fáilte fosta roimh an cúigear atá tar éis tosú ar scéim oiliúna na bliana seo d’Iontrálaithe Nua.  Bhronn Róise Ní Bhaoill, Cathaoirleach Gníomhach ar Choiste Infheistíochta an CCG, teastais ar na hoiliúnaithe le haitheantas a thabhairt ar an méid atá bainte amach acu.

Cuireann an Ciste Craoltóireachta Gaeilge roinnt deiseanna oiliúna éagsúla ar fáil do chainteoirí Gaeilge atá ag obair nó atá ag iarraidh bheith ag obair san earnáil neamhspleách léiriúcháin. Is é bunphrionsabal na scéimeanna oiliúna go gcuirfí le forbairt scileanna, forbairt saineolais agus forbairt ghinearálta gairme. Ba chóir go mbeadh tionchar dearfach aige seo ar earnáil léiriúcháin na Gaeilge i dTuaisceart Éireann.

I mbliana, chríochnaigh trí oiliúnaí dhéag scéimeanna bliana i gcúig réimse éagsúla: seisear oiliúnaithe ar an Scéim d’Iontrálaithe Nua 2017-18; duine ar an Scéim d’Eagarthóirí faoi Oiliúint; duine ar an Scéim do Léiritheoirí faoi Oiliúint; duine ar an Scéim do Léiritheoirí Sinsearacha faoi Oiliúint agus ceathrar ar an Scéim do Léiritheoirí Cúnta faoi Oiliúint.  Chomh maith leis sin tugadh aitheantas dóibh siúd atá ag freastal ar Scéim d’Iontrálaithe Nua 2018-19, as ucht an Réamhchúrsa i Scileanna Léiriúcháin a chríochnú sa BBC.

Taispeánadh roinnt gearrscannán a léirigh agus a scannánaigh na hoiliúnaithe mar chuid den searmanas. Bhí ionadaithe i láthair ó chuideachtaí éagsúla léiriúcháin teilifíse, ón BBC, NvTv, Raidió Fáilte agus ó Scáileán Thuaisceart Éireann.

Dúirt Róise Ní Bhaoill: “Tá lúcháir orm a bheith anseo inniu mar urlabhraí ar Choiste Infheistíochta an CCG le ceiliúradh a dhéanamh ar an méid atá bainte amach ag an lucht oiliúna a chríochnaigh na scéimeanna i mbliana.

“Cuireann na scéimeanna oiliúna de chuid an CCG deiseanna iontacha ar fáil na scileanna cuí a fhoghlaim agus fostaíocht a bhaint amach san earnáil léiriúcháin Ghaeilge amach anseo dá réir.”

Dúirt Áine Walsh, Ceannasaí an Chiste Craoltóireachta Gaeilge: “Tá lúcháir ar an CCG go bhfuil fostaíocht nó áit ar scéim oiliúna laistigh den earnáil léiriúcháin faighte ag an chuid is mó d’oiliúnaithe na bliana seo agus tá mé ag tnúth le hobair s’acu ar léiriúcháin Ghaeilge a fheiceáil sa todhchaí.   Tá lúcháir orm fosta fáilte a chur roimh ár n-oiliúnaithe úra a thosaigh linn. Cuideoidh na hoiliúnaithe seo leis an earnáil léiriúcháin Ghaeilge i dTuaisceart Éireann a chothú, earnáil atá ag fás léi – ceann de phríomhaidhmeanna an CCG.”

Thosaigh an Scéim d’Iontrálaithe Nua ag tús mhí Mheán Fómhair.  D’fhreastail an cúigear ar dhianchúrsa traenála coicíse sa BBC i mBéal Feirste agus tá siad anois ar socrúchán ag comhlachtaí léiriúcháin agus ag NvTv.


Caption: ILBF New Entrants 2018-19

Back row from left to right – Ciara Savage, Richard Williams (CEO Northern Ireland Screen), Áine Walsh (Head of the ILBF), Hannah Sullivan. Front row from left to right – Kathryn Healy, Róise Ní Bhaoill (ILBF Investment Committee Acting Chairwoman), Medb Ní Dhúláin (Missing from photo Cormac Ó Mórdha)

Caption: ILBF New Entrants 2017-18

Back row from left to right – Rachel Doherty, Aideen Hand, Richard Williams (CEO Northern Ireland Screen), Pádraig Mac Oitir, Áine Walsh (Head of the ILBF), Dearbhlá Ní Mhadáin. Front row from left to right – Oonagh Ní Mhealláin, Róise Ní Bhaoill (ILBF Investment Committee Acting Chairwoman), Aoife Nic Con Midhe.

Caption: Back row from left to right – Vic Hamilton, Rosie McNally, Richard Williams (CEO Northern Ireland Screen), Hannah Ní Dhubhcháin, Áine Walsh (Head of the ILBF), Líadan Ní hUallacháin. Front row from left to right – Sian Nic an Bheatha, Róise Ní Bhaoill (ILBF investment Committee Acting Chairwoman), Sorcha Carlin (missing from photo Mairéad Ní Thréinir).

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