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ScreenSkills is calling for industry feedback to help improve National Occupational Standards for screen industry roles

Date Posted: December 18, 2020

ScreenSkills is asking for industry feedback on its update of the National Occupational Standards that inform the development of qualifications and apprenticeships in the screen industries.

This autumn, ScreenSkills consulted with professionals across the nations about the competencies, skills and knowledge that are needed to work in the screen industries in hair and make-up, costume, editing and interactive media and games roles. This was done to be able to update the existing National Occupational Standards to reflect what is currently expected of employees by industry.

The following standards have been reviewed and updated:

  • Hair and Make-up Standards – which list the practical skills and knowledge people need to work as hair and make-up artists, designers or assistants
  • Costume Standards – which list the practical skills and knowledge people need to work as costumer designers, wardrobe assistants
  • Editing for Film and TV Standards – which list the practical skills and knowledge people need to work as editors, assistant editors
  • Interactive Media and Computer Games Standards – which list the practical skills and knowledge people need to work in the UK games industry or to work in any role producing interactive media content for multi-channel and multi-platform use

ScreenSkills is now asking industry professionals to contribute their views to finalise these draft standards by giving feedback on the sections relevant to them by Monday 18th January.

The aim is to ensure that the updated suite of standards capture what is currently considered best practice in the industry.

For more information visit ScreenSkills website.

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