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ILBF BBC Radio Ulster series takes listeners on pilgrim routes around Ulster

Date Posted: June 28, 2022

In a new Irish Language Broadcast Fund radio series, Turais, Aodhán Ó Baoill sets off to walk different pilgrim routes around Ulster. Over the three weeks, Aodhán meets locals and fellow pilgrims along the roads and finds out more about the history of these ancient – and in some cases modern – ways. The series produced by Clean Slate TV begins on Tuesday 5th July at 7pm on BBC Radio Ulster/Foyle and BBC Sounds.

The three pilgrim routes will take listeners from Gweedore in Donegal to St Patrick’s Way in Downpatrick. Aodhán discovers the spirituality of each route and tries to reconnect with the people who walked the way before him as he aims to take a break from the rush of modern life.

In episode one, Aodhán walks Turas Thulacha Beigile. This old pilgrimage route runs from Gaoth Dobhair to Tulacha Beigile Graveyard in north-west Donegal. Historically, locals in Gaoth Dobhair carried their dead over the mountains to the neighbouring parish to be buried in the sacred soil of Tulacha Beigile, as they did not have a graveyard of their own. In recent years, the walk has been revived, and locals of all parishes in the area come together one weekend a year to walk the path and commemorate those who came before them. Locals – and people from further afield – make the challenging 15 kilometre trek over Taobh a’ Leitheid to Tulacha Beigile. Aodhán does the same and stops at many of the significant points along the route.

In episode two, Aodhán travels to Gleann Cholm Cille to walk the ancient Turas in the glen, following in the footsteps of one of Ireland’s three patron saints – St Colmcille. Although relatively short, the Turas is renowned for being one of the most difficult pilgrimage routes one can make. Aodhán discovers the relevance of the Turas today and visits various sites where Colmcille himself was supposed to have been.

In episode three, Aodhán walks on Bealach Naomh Pádraig – St Patrick’s Way. A relatively modern example of a pilgrimage, modelled on the famous Camino de Santiago in Spain, Aodhán begins his journey in the centre of Downpatrick. He travels to meet Dr Niall Comer to find out more about the life of Ireland’s most famous saint. He discovers more about Patrick’s works, and about himself, as he makes his way along the pilgrimage.

On the production of the series and walking the routes, Aodhán said: “It was fantastic to have the opportunity to take time out of the hustle and bustle of everyday life. It has been a thought-provoking and thoroughly enjoyable experience to make this series, and to get the chance to explore these routes that I have had an interest in for so long.”

I sraith raidió nua de chuid an Chiste Craoltóireachta Gaeilge, Turais, téann Aodhán Ó Baoill ag siúl bealaí éagsúla oilithreachta ar fud Chúige Uladh. Le linn na dtrí seachtaine, buaileann Aodhán le muintir na háite agus le hoilithrigh eile i rith an bhealaigh agus faigheann tuilleadh eolais ar na bealaí seo, cuid acu ársa agus cuid acu comhaimseartha. Léirigh Clean Slate TV an tsraith trí chlár seo agus tosaíonn sé ar BBC Raidió Uladh/Feabhail agus ar BBC Sounds Dé Máirt 05 Iúil ar 7in.

Tabharfaidh na trí bhealach oilithreachta an lucht éisteachta ó Ghaoth Dobhair i dTír Chonaill go Bealach Naomh Pádraig i nDún Pádraig. Tagann Aodhán ar spioradáltacht gach slí agus déanann iarracht teacht ar dhaoine a shiúil na bealaí seo roimhe agus é ag iarraidh sos a ghlacadh ó shaol gnóthach an lae inniu.

I gclár a haon, siúlann Aodhán Turas Thulacha Beigile. Téann an seanbhealach oilithreachta seo ó Ghaoth Dobhair go Reilig Thulacha Beigile in iarthuaisceart Thír Chonaill. San am a chuaigh thart, d’iompraíodh muintir Ghaoth Dobhair daoine a fuair bás thar na sléibhte go dtí an chéad pharóiste eile le go gcuirfí iad in ithir naofa Thulacha Beigile, cionn is nach raibh a reilig féin acu. Rinneadh an turas a athbheochan le blianta beaga anuas agus tagann muintir gach paróiste le chéile deireadh seachtaine amháin sa bhliain leis an bhealach a shiúl agus an mhuintir a tháinig rompu a chomóradh. Siúlann bunadh na háite – agus daoine as áiteanna éagsúla eile – an turas dúshlánach 15 chiliméadar thar Thaobh a’ Leitheid go Tulacha Beigile. Déanann Aodhán amhlaidh agus stadann sé ag go leor áiteanna suimiúla i rith an bhealaigh.

I gclár a dó, téann Aodhán a fhad le Gleann Cholm Cille leis an Turas ársa a shiúl sa ghleann, agus é ag teacht sna sála ar dhuine de naomhphátrúin na hÉireann – Naomh Colm Cille. Cé gur turas gairid go leor é, tá de chlú air go bhfuil sé ar na turais oilithreachta is deacra den iomlán. Faigheann Aodhán amach faoi ábharthacht an Turais sa lá atá inniu ann agus tugann cuairt ar áiteanna éagsúla a ndeirtear gur chaith Colm Cille seal iontu.

I gclár a trí, siúlann Aodhán Bealach Naomh Pádraig. Oilithreacht de chuid na linne seo í, a bheag nó a mhór, ar samhail di Camino de Santiago clúiteach na Spáinne. Tosaíonn Aodhán a thuras i lár Dhún Pádraig. Ag siúl dó, castar air an Dr Niall Comer agus faigheann a thuilleadh eolais ar an naomh is clúití sa tír. Faigheann sé níos mó amach faoi na hoilithreachta, faoi Phádraig agus faoina chuid oibreacha.

Ag labhairt dó faoin tsraith agus faoina shiúlta, arsa Aodhán: “Bhí sé ar fheabhas faill a bheith agam éirí as saol gnóthach an lae inniu ar feadh tamaill. Eispéireas sultmhar a bhí ann an tsraith seo a dhéanamh a chuir ag machnamh mé. B’iontach na bealaí seo a thaiscéaladh, bealaí a raibh suim agam iontu le fada an lá.”

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