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The Irish Houses – Scéal Phobal Bhóthar Seoighe now available on BBC iPlayer

Date Posted: April 16, 2020

The Irish Houses – Scéal Phobal Bhóthar Seoighe, made for BBC Gaeilge by Clean Slate TV with support from Northern Ireland Screen’s Irish Language Broadcast Fund, is available now on BBC iPlayer.

The new BBC Gaeilge two-part series hears from a group of young people from Belfast who met and became friends through their interest in the Irish language, set up the first urban Gaeltacht in Ireland in over 100 years in 1961.

They tell their story about how discussions began around establishing their own community which would enable them to live their lives through the medium of Irish. The idea for ‘Scéim na dTithe’ was born out of the determination of a number of families to pursue that ambition. Against the odds and against the backdrop of mounting sectarian tensions and eventually the outbreak of The Troubles these people achieved what some thought would be unimaginable.

Later, in 1971, the Shaw’s Road community established the first Irish medium school in Northern Ireland which led to the development of the Irish medium education sector here.

The series shows how this community influenced the growth and development of the Irish language in Ulster over the past 50 years. Many of the original couples who founded this community still contribute to the wider Irish language circle today. Many people in the community see them as pioneers and visionaries whose story has never before been fully told.

The Irish Houses – Scéal Phobal Bhóthar Seoighe is available to watch now on BBC iPlayer.

The Irish Houses – Scéal Phobal Bhóthar Seoighe, arna chruthú ag Clean Slate TV do BBC Gaeilge, le tacaíocht ó Chiste Craoltóireachta Gaeilge, Scáileán Thuaisceart Éireann, tá sé ar fáil anois ar BBC iPlayer.

Sa bhliain 1961, ba ghrúpa daoine óga, a chothaigh cairdeas lena chéile tríd an tsuim a bhí sa Ghaeilge acu, a bhunaigh an chéad Ghaeltacht chathrach in Éirinn le breis agus 100 bliain.

Tá scéal na ndaoine seo le cluinstin 50 bliain níos moille ar shraith úr dhá chlár de chuid BBC Gaeilge. Insíonn siad faoin dóigh ar phléigh siad bunú a bpobal féin a chuirfeadh ar a gcumas a saol a chaitheamh trí mheán na Gaeilge. B’as díograis roinnt teaghlach an uaillmhian sin a bhaint amach a eascraíodh ‘Scéim na dTithe’. D’ainneoin gach constaice a cuireadh rompu agus an teannais sheictigh a bhain le tús na dTrioblóidí, rinne na daoine seo éachtaí ar measadh iad a bheith dodhéanta.

Is sa bhliain 1971, a bhunaigh pobal Bhóthar Seoighe an chéad Ghaelscoil i dTuaisceart Éireann agus as sin a tháinig forbairt earnáil na Gaelscolaíochta anseo.

Léirítear sa tsraith seo an tionchar a bhí ag an phobal seo ar fhás agus ar fhorbairt na Gaeilge i gCúige Uladh le 50 bliain anuas. Cuid mhaith de na chéad lánúineacha a bhunaigh an pobal seo tá siad rannpháirteach i mórphobal na Gaeilge go dtí an lá inniu. Tá meas ceannródaithe agus lucht físe orthu i súile an phobail agus tá a scéal ina iomláine le hinsint anois.

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